So I just finished the first video of the lean phase (core synergistics) and all I can say is that I feel like a 98 lb weakling. I could barely carry my tea to my room without spilling it, and I'll have you know that in addition to being fairly active, I am the northeastern tea-to-bedroom carrying champion of the east-coast. I am duly humbled.
I started P90X for a few reasons.
One -and I'm not necessarily proud that this is my number one reason- is that I just gained a few pounds since I got off my birth control and I'd like to un-gain them.
Two- the boyfriend (hereafter referred to El Mejor Pistolero or the Notorious EMP, mostly because it gives me a chuckle) completed the regular version this spring to really amazing results.
Three- in general, I want to be faster, harder, stronger.
Four- and by which I mean number one, I want to get into top shape because next year I want to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro. I shit you not. I am graduating college this year after multi-year diversions, roundabouts, tangents and transfers, and that is going to be my last debt-accruing hurrah before I settle down to a life of employed respectability.
(OR a month on the Appalachian Trail, which I honestly think is more hardcore then Kilimanjaro, but I've always wanted to see Africa.)
Hopefully, keeping a daily blog will help keep me motivated.
I'm not exactly a couch potato. During the school year I typically go to hot yoga (vinyassa) between two and four times a week, belly dance classes once or twice, and walk just about as much as you would expect and impatient ex-New Yorker to walk around a city with depressingly idiosyncratic transportation (that would be DC). This summer I've gotten a bit off track with the yoga I'm sad to say... and the belly dancing...
...and also gotten overly fond of mojitos and Dogfish Head. say nothing of my life long love affair with hamburgers.
On the food front, I'm on too much of a time/financial budget to really commit to the P90x lean diet so instead I'm going to rely on my old standby from my hippie days, which is gorging on lowish-carb vegan food six days a week and then giant low carb meat meals about once a week. I know that this in appalling diet to virtually anybody who uses their food to construct their self identity but hell, I'm the one eating it.
I leave you with an image of future me:
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