Monday, September 7, 2009

Day Thirty-Three, (ish)

Did KenPo this morning instead of Core Synergistics because my arms were still tired from swimming and arms/shoulders.

KenPo is officially my favorite one! I think I'm going to start subbing it for CardioX because I like it so much more. See? I'm a sick woman.

Because I have a lot going on this week, this is going to be my modified P90X schedule.

Monday – Kenpo X
Tuesday –Yoga-class
Wednesday – XStretch
Thursday – Pilates class,
Friday – TRAPEZE! and then if I feel like it, I'll try Legs/Back, finally, or if its nie
Saturday –Chest, Shoulders and Triceps (new!)
Sunday – CardioX (or KenPo, if I'm feeling perky)

For Weeks 6 and 7 its going to look a little more like this:

Monday – Core Synergistics, pilates class, elliptical
Tuesday – Cardio X, yoga class, elliptical
Wednesday – Chest, Shoulders and Triceps, yoga class
Thursday – yoga class, elliptical
Friday – Legs and Back, elliptical
Saturday – Kenpo X
Sunday – Rest or X Stretch

I'm adding the elliptical in to (hopefully) burn up some more fat, since I don't really find it that exerting and enjoy watching the news on it. I'll do 30/mins a day 4 days a week in the fat burning zone. I also want to start rock climbing at the rock gym near-by... but if I start doing that I think I'm going to cut out some of the P90X workouts. Like Core Synergistics, which is a pain in my life.

The Eatin's and Doin's for the Day

Food Item Servings Cals Fat Cholest Sodium Carbs Sugars Fiber Protein
Avocado Avocado 1.00 145 14g 0mg 7mg 75g 1g 6g 2g x
Publix Black Beans 0.50 65 0g 0mg 215mg 12g 1g 5g 4g x
Firm Tofu 0.50 39 2g 0mg 17mg 1g 0g 0g 5g x
CytoSport Muscle Milk Light 1.00 195 6g 5mg 125mg 11g 2g 1g 25g x
Trader Joe's Original Soymilk 1.50 120 5g 0mg 255mg 20g 9g 2g 11g x
Red Pepper 0.25 6 0g 0mg 0mg 1g 0g 1g 0g x
Spinach 1.00 7 0g 0mg 24mg 1g 0g 1g 1g x
Tomato 3.00 12 0g 0mg 4mg 3g 2g 1g 1g x
Ferrara Olive Oil 1.00 119 14g 0mg 0mg 0g 0g 0g 0g x
Publix Diet Coke 1.00 0 0g 0mg 35mg 0g 0g 0g 0g x
Malibu Coconut Rum 1.00 51 0g 0mg 8mg 5g 0g 0g 0g x
Healthy Choice Tomato Garden soup 1.50 150 2g 0mg 705mg 29g 12g 8g 6g x
Boarshead Cracked Pepper Mill Smoked Turkey 1.00 60 1g 30mg 460mg 0g 1g 0g 13g x
Arnold Select Sandwich Thins 1.00 100 1g 0mg 230mg 21g 2g 6g 5g x
Trader Joe's Aioli Garlic Mustard Sauce 1.00 10 1g 0mg 55mg 0g 0g 0g 0g x
Gala Apples 1.00 75 1g 0mg 0mg 16g 14g 2g 0g x
Trader Joe's Wild Rice 1.00 210 1g 0mg 10mg 43g 0g 4g 7g x
Bananna Bananna 1.00 110 0g 0mg 0mg 29g 21g 4g 1g x
The Fish Market Mahi Mahi 1.00 145 1g 124mg 150mg 0g 0g 0g 31g x
Watermelon, Raw 1.00 46 0g 0mg 2mg 11g 9g 1g 1g x
Yam 0.50 89 0g 0mg 7mg 21g 0g 3g 1g x
Tropicana Orange Juice 1.00 110 0g 0mg 0mg 26g 22g 0g 2g x

Fitness Minutes Calories Burned Distance Heart Rate
Tae Bo 45.0 -360.0 x
Stretching 15.0 -44.0 x
Strolling (walking under 2 mph) 30.0 -70.0

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