Monday, September 21, 2009

D:1, W:3, P:2

Pretty tired today, I must say. Also studying up for a finance test.

Did Pilates today, had to skip yoga due to study-time, gym was packed so didn't do elliptical, but walked home with my backpack. It took an hour and 15 minutes and was (according to mapquest) 3.7 miles, which means that I walked just under 3 miles per hour. Well, what do ya know! And carrying textbook too! This is especially good news because it means I didn't go over my calorie goal as much as I thought.

This is kind of how I get with DailyPlate. The good news is that its less like a calorie obsession and more like a calorie bingo. It also motivates me to do things like randomly job, since that will bring down my net cals, or to have ONE cup of kettle corn, rather then THREE.

So far, so good.

Of course, now I'm hungry again!

Eatins' and Doins'
Post Rasin Bran 1.00 190 1g 0mg 300mg 46g 19g 8g 4g x
Almond Breeze Almond Milk 1.00 88 5g 0mg 20mg 10g 1g 7g 1g x
Chocolate Shake 0.666666666667 275 9g 5mg 295mg 24g 8g 2g 32g x
Arnold Select Sandwich Thins 1.00 100 1g 0mg 230mg 21g 2g 6g 5g x
Clif Mojo Bar, Mountain Mix 0.33 59 3g 0mg 73mg 7g 4g 1g 3g x
Steak Burger 1.00 240 16g 70mg 65mg 0g 0g 0g 22g x
Honest Tea Heavenly Honey Green 2.00 70 0g 0mg 10mg 19g 19g 0g 0g x
Annies Salad 1 144 13g 0mg 344mg 3g 1g 2g 2g x
Kettle Corn 0.66 79 1g 0mg 0mg 1g 0g 0g 0g x
Bananna Bananna 1.00 110 0g 0mg 0mg 29g 21g 4g 1g x
Hershey's Chocolate Syrup 1.00 100 0g 0mg 15mg 24g 20g 1g 1g x
Squash Soup 1.00 200 5g 18mg 270mg 32g 0g 3g 6g x
Whole Wheat Couscous 1.00 150 1g 0mg 5mg 30g 1g 2g 4g x
Trader Joe's Vegetable Masala Burger 1.00 120 8g 0mg 360mg 12g 1g 1g 2g x
Honey 1.00 60 0g 0mg 0mg 17g 16g 0g 0g x
Fitness Minutes Calories Burned Distance Heart Rate
Pilates 45.0 -183.0 x
Walk: 3 mph (20 min/mi) 75.0 -393.0

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