Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Day Twenty-Nine

As previously discussed, Wednesdays are going to be yoga-class days simply because yoga-class is the only thing I can do on Wednesdays. Today was JUST yoga class day because I am committing to taking an actual recovery week this week, unlike last week.

Good news: Sleeping like a baby. I don't feel so physically exhausted, and I'm looking forward to the first week of phase two.

Bad news: I don't know that I look any different then I did before. (Except for my arms.) I'm all on board for the rest of this program and probably three more months of the regular program too, but if I don't see a fat loss in the next two months I'm going back on (drum roll) The Pill. The tragic thing is that that will make it harder for me to put on muscle (in theory*). Also still havn't gotten word from Sallie Mae, and next week will be my THIRD week of classes.


SCUBA rocks.

(Though I think it should be obvious, that woman is not me. I don't have schools of tiny silver fish to swim through, yet.)

*In theory Yaz shouldn't have made me a sobbing psychopath, and the other one should have made me crave carbs, which it didn't. So there you go. So long as it keeps me free of little crotch-droppings** I guess.

**I don't actually think of children as crotch-droppings, though children are the only type of invasion the pill prevents.

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