Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Day Fifteen

Man, I feel like poop. Really.

But I did it.


Unrelated: The National Museum of the American Indian totally rocks, plus has amazing architecture* and a pretty surprising food court**.


The museum has an exterior cladding of Kasota dolomitic limestone from Minnesota, giving the building the appearance of a stratified stone mass that has been carved by wind and water; additional building materials include American-mist granite, bronze, copper, maple, adzed cedar, adzed alder and imperial plaster

Acrylic prisms facing true south catch the sun’s rays and reflect a spectacular light spectrum onto the interior of the Potomac, animating the space and serving as one of the most visible design elements relating to the sun and light; This light show changes every day and is at its height from 11 a.m.–2 p.m.

**(food court)

The cafe offers a menu that change quarterly for each of the five geographic regions
covering the entire Western Hemisphere: Northern Woodlands, South America, Northwest Coast, Meso America and Great Plains. The menus include items such as maple brined turkey with cranberry relish (Northern Woodlands), chicken tamale in a corn husk with peanut sauce (South America), cedar planked fire-roasted juniper salmon platter (Northwest Coast), yellow corn or soft flour tortilla tacos with carne (Meso America) and the crowd-pleasing Indian taco—buffalo chili on fry bread topped with onions, lettuce, tomato and cheese (Great Plains). The menus feature traditionally prepared dishes along with conventional items infused with Native ingredients, often bought directly from tribal companies or co-ops.

Breakfast: amazing greens smoothie with almond milk, half cup fiber cereal/almond milk, 1/2 shaved ice
Lunch: hot dog
Snack: cup lentil soup, 1/2 cup mashed red potato

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