Friday, August 14, 2009

Well, I Guess That Makes This Day 11

Yoga just flat out kicked my butt. I'm glad I did it though.

I don't know what the scale is going to say come Friday, especially since my eating has been a little idiosyncratic due to my traveling/visiting, but I can tell I'm getting stronger. The Notorious EMP confirmed that I officially have muscles in my arms.

Yes, ladies and germs, after many-a-year, the bicep has returned. Yaaaayyyy!!!

I even went to models yesterday and got a pair of 5lb weights, so no more cans of beans for these two arms.

Reading about Kili helps to keep me motivated, too, though I'm not sure how feasible this trip will be, financially. I'm sort of afraid to look at the ticket prices into the two relevant airports, or how I'm going to locomote hither and tither once I'm in Africa, since the ideal is to scoot up to Ghana to do this women's business initiaitive I had my heart set on for this summer.

That way I don't agonize for the rest of my life over not doing this.

All I can do is try, right?

Breakfast: Coco Green Power Whatchamacallit Drink, banana, latte, lentil soup
Lunch: Trader Joe fiber cereal, coconut milk yogurt, apple (made it into sort of a parfait because I was sad I couldn't have the dairy-full one at the airport as I waited to make sure the cousin got on the plane)
Lunch II: 1/2 a raw snack bar...


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