Saturday, August 22, 2009

Day Nineteen

Today I woke up bright and early, made a yummy tofu scrambler burrito with spinach, ate both, then fell asleep till noon.

I really must be tired from this program, but this is unusually sluggish (hence the nudibranch) for me. I know this recovery week isn't going to be "lying around in a hammock", but I hope it gives me a chance to recover.

I hope the Notorious EMP comes back soon. I don't really know when he plans to leave the beach... the timetable is a typically vague today tomorrowish that kind of keeps me hoping and hanging. I just wish he was here. I miss him.

In other news, word on the Sallie Mae Customer Service street is that if I WASN'T getting the loan I need I would have gotten declined in the credit check stage, and since I am being harassed and delayed over lease and drivers licences its looking positive. Well, as positive as major debt can look. So that's hopeful.

Today I wanted maximum arm waving and legs but minimal jumping from my workout, so I went with KenPo instead of my usually (un)scheduled CardioX. Tomorrow I'll either do it again or substitute my bellydance/yoga video for a bit of a mental holiday from good ole' Tony. We'll see if I feel like warmed over death or (more hopefully) have a guy in my bed to let sleep.

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