Saturday, August 8, 2009

Day Six

So... hooorraaay! I did Kenpo!

It was sort of a challenge, knocking it out in the tiny space in my old room, with the dog running around my feet, but It Is Done.

I also went on a nice long walk with my sister. Jones beach didn't happen today, but tomorrow is still a possibility.

The hard thing is going to be watching my eating with all these new york delicacies such as the stuff my family has on hand from the million Italian Delis in the area. That is sort of at the heart about what I love/hate about DC. We have as many yoga studios as my family's neighborhood has Italian Delis. Now don't get me wrong, I love yoga, but sometimes I miss real good sopresata.

I've been getting more assertive with modifying some of the moves to accommodate my busted hip. I hope it gets better soon though, because I HAVE to walk. So far, just doing low kicks instead of high on that side has helped.

Tomorrow I'll stretch.

During the school year I signed up to take pilates at school. I hope I can find a way to keep up with my yoga practice.

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